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Best Year Yet

Best Year Yet® (BYY) is a programme to quickly achieve relevant results within an organisation or team: from, for example, improving internal and customer relations to increasing financial results. BYY has proven itself over the past 10 years in the UK, USA and Australia and has now been available in the Netherlands for several years.

Powerful concept
The program is based on a simple and powerful concept. What if the coming year would be the best year so far? What if each individual would handle it this way for his or her own life, the team, department and the entire organisation?

Annual plan on 1 page
Central within BYY are the Team and Individual workshops. During these workshops the team and each participant individually are guided by 10 questions, resulting in a year plan on 1 page. In this process the team looks back on past successes and disappointments and translates these into three guidelines. The team creates a new mindset focused on achieving success, defines the top ten goals for the coming year and defines action steps to execute the plan. The participants feel ownership of the plan and show a great sense of responsibility, because they themselves define the plan.


Monthly follow-up sessions
A structure of monthly follow-up sessions then ensures the success of the BYY plan. BYY is the only performance-enhancing system that offers a structured, year-round follow-up protocol. During each follow-up session, progress on objectives is determined and graphically tracked, people support each other's responsibilities and new action steps are defined for the following month. In addition, the team members keep track of their progress via the web-based Performance Management Tool.

A small selection of the organisations that have already applied BYY: ING, KPN, PinkRoccade, Coca Cola, Proctor & Gamble, IBM,Cap Gemini, Dell, Dupont, ANWB, Ernst & Young, Microsoft, Shell, Sun, Quantas, DHL.

Are you ready for your best year so far?

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